The girl softly spoke his name,
How she knew he did not know,
His terror still remained the same,
More seeds of terror would she sow,
The summer night turned to snow.
Through the snow he saw his father plod,
A tall man in a red cloak,
He had been a powerful sod,
He pulled the young girl past a tall oak,
Tears her white dress did soak.
Ahead a small cave opened,
in the hole a locked oak door,
The son was compelled and slowly followed,
The girl was still crying, her eyes were sore,
As he slipped a key into the door.
As it opened the door creaked,
Inside his father lit a lamp,
Of rotten flesh the chamber reeked,
Together the two descended the ramp,
Shedding light into the cold and damp
His voice still with cruelty laiden,
Spoke a curse as he lead her across the room,
Up toward the iron maiden,
He pushed her into that tomb,
Closing the front with a resounding boom.
An evil flame had always burned in that man's heart,
A terrible dark flare his son could sense,
It had burnt there from the very start,
Being around his father he had always been tense,
Ever since in a rage he was thrown onto a sharp wooden fence.
Her death was now assured,
A horrible slow eradication,
A generation ago she had died,
Yet here he was being shown her extinction,
He knew she was no witch at this junction.
Today she lies in a heretics grave,
outside of blessed ground,
simply a small grassy mound,
The son could no longer hang around
now this is well imagined and well potrayed!!! keep writing
..........solitude forever me forever you.....
lovely lines...... great flow...
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