it was a friday or saturday evening and i was the only one with a cd player at that time...it was during 1st year...initial stages of maturity or rather immaturity.
a big kind of guy whom i used to make fun of came to my room with a cd in his hand and asked me to play it.
it contained some linkin park songs which i had heard before but never knew that it would become a hysteria.
the guy was pablo and i am pushpendra..the guy who first got the computer with a hard disk of 80 gbs to bear numerous songs sorry rock.
and then it all started soon led zeppelin, nirvana ,floyd were the one with whom i was already acquainted with...but not ozzy, rage against the machine, system of a down and yes "lost prophets". the band which would soon become a source of inspiration for us...
it all started to come back to us....we should make a band and why not...pablo always had a name in his mind like marie celeste or the wicked witch and even more...who else will....
but this rock which was perhaps alien to everyone except me and pablo before coming to IT BHU was spreading like conflagration in the batch...and we had a good culture and history of rock bands in our insti..
so the idea was there..and men too
adi was there always full of energy and laze....there were a few more guys who were seriously not in the plan at that time...
the problem was that except pablo as vocalist we had anything but enthu to bring out a band of us..
so it was not until the end of first year tht we first went to KP to learn something; I was for drums....and that was the last time too that i went there to learn something.
the year ended and exams screwed up...had a full heck of fun in summer but no band in mind...after summer the fakka....
i thought of quitting any plans for the band...and decided to pull my attention to football, at which i always think i m better than other things....hence the band in distress; no way. then there was a guy pc and alex....and chhotu...the band was immortal and is...
it may no longer be called marie celeste or whatever...but does the name has any bearing on the sentiments of the band..?
it was a dream band and is a dream band, to see it performing would be nothing less than playing there right on the stage...
i was always a part of the band and i will always be...
they call me the band manager sometimes the groupie too but i dont mind .
at least i am a part of the band...
long live broken tooth...
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