Our pursuit of happiness is the soul driving factor in our lives. Its mere presence makes it worthwhile waking up everyday, dressing ourselves to the occasion,wearing our masks and be presentable. Its perpetual hunt for our realisation that deep down keeps us ticking and even the most cynical and nihilistic of individuals end up craving for it. By the way, coming to wearing our masks so that we are fit for any occasion what so ever it may be is the most important part of our lives. But it also ends up in making us prone to the world’s naïve accusations. As one of my friend quoted once ‘wear the mask cos people don’t really want to see who we are inside, they love the face we show them; but again don’t wear the mask cos the moment they realise you’re wearing it, they’ll lose every bit of faith in you’. But despite the misgivings it breeds, we always wear a mask. And so did Alpha. All his life he believed he lived by his own rules, he chose his life rather than being thrown into the alley and left to fight. Every morning he woke up, he used to admire himself for being himself. He felt as if the sun, the moon and the rain were all for him. He felt happy without really looking beneath the surface. He felt supreme, someone who could take the world for a ride, then he would dress up to the occasion and prepare for his workplace. He was living a life where there was no pursuit of happiness. He knew he was happy and that his chase has ended with him driving his life around. In his office, he felt even more powerful as if the sense of self importance dawned over him. In his office he was an important man, much more important than at home. He liked his work and felt like the ‘el capitano’ working with people who he considered much inferior to himself. He could make them feel timid, he could impress his bosses at will without caring for the steps taken in the deal. He felt as if he was working with a bunch of unintelligent apes who were all working to make him feel better. This was his narcissism. This was his playground and he made people play according to his rules.
And then it happened one day. He was ill, decidedly! He was so well forever! He was feverish, horribly feverish, or rather in a state of feverish enervation, which made his mind suffer as much as his body. He had woken up from a violent dream and his insides felt hollow. He could not remember what was the dream but he knew nothing could have been a worse nightmare. He was sweating heavily, his pulse was high, eyes dilated and nerves highly strung
But somehow he managed to regain his conscious and tried to sleep. Within minutes his sense of self overpowered the bad dream and he was snoring loudly again
He stayed alone in a big house with no one to bother. His girlfriend, who he used to mock often in front of his friends, wanted to move in with him but he wouldn’t let that happen lest it should interfere with his life and may tamper his happiness. He was perfect being in his own groove and didn’t want to disrupt the utopia he had managed in his life. His friends knew him and hence they also didn’t care much to intrude and be a part of his life. He made them all believe that he was happy and slowly they believed him. So during their conversations it was him who had no problems and he used to consult people about their lives. He used to tell his friends a million things they should change in themselves to be happy, to be like him
And finally this mask became his flesh
Without realizing it, the individual composes his life according to the laws of beauty even in times of greatest distress
And so his life reflected love, antipathy, charity, or malice without him even knowing it. Here we must also understand that our sense of importance is also the product of the world making itself vulnerable and small. And so Alpha was a result of the misfortune of the world and his awareness of the beauty that he was
Mondays were never good for him as he had to go to office after his crisp weekends; but this Monday wasn’t particularly encouraging. In fact the same thing continued on Tuesday and Wednesday. Somehow he had lost grip at office. People were not that apprehensive and when he tried asking his colleague for a coffee, she had the firmness enough to say no to him. His perception of things and people suffered a blow.
Reality exists independent of consciousness
Rand’s definition of objectivism points to the realisation of a philosophy for living on earth. As she mentions in Atlas Shrugged - My philosophy, in essence, is the concept of man as a heroic being, with his own happiness as the moral purpose of his life, with productive achievement as his noblest activity, and reason as his only absolute
The next thing that happened was his girlfriend ditching him calling him a loser. The word loser ripped him apart. He always though others as being losers, much more inferior or to be precise ‘humane’ than him. It seemed as if the whhole world was focussed upon making him feel done. Nothing was going right for him or nothing was going the way he predicted or preferred.
An atheist, who always believed in making the world a place fit for him, himself, had been shaken. His conscious, existence and identity all came under scrutiny. No matter how hard he tried, things kept getting worse. In the end he had to revert back to the priests to overcome his pain. But none of them could come up with a satisfactory explanation for his life to be undone within days for which he nourished himself so long.
And one day returning from work, when he had almost decided that he was going to end the life that he could not control, he saw him. He was light, he was Shiva, he was desire, he was delirium. He was everything that Neil Gaiman mentions in Endless Nights - Destiny, Death, Dream, Destruction, Despair, Desire and Delirium- He was everything that a man needed to forget survival and start living. He was LIFE
Alpha started following him. He wasn’t even sure whether it existed or not. Whether he was hallucinating under the influence of the drug given by one of the chemists or whether it was the coke like material given by the priest. But somewhere in his head he knew that this man was going to be his destiny. So he kept following. He didn’t know how much time elapsed. The man was not stopping and nor was he. He did not eat, he started losing his clothes in the way as well. He didn’t care whether the world was looking at him and laughing. He just knew that nothing mattered at all except following the man. Slowly the man was changing shape and then he became a large bird. It started flying towards the hills and its speed also increased in the way. He had hard time keeping a track and to follow it. They had been travelling for many days. He had lost track of time, hunger, greed, animosity , everything. He felt pure from inside but his only desire remained to follow the bird that was now changing shape and became a shape he didn’t recognise. It was something from his dream. It was his dream that had woken him up violently one night. It was the dream
The bird finally changed to dream, and he knew he had to follow the dream. His insides felf like heaven. He knew he had been purified. All his desires had left him. He was conscious of everything now
He felt like he could control the elements of nature, he could neutralise the effects of evil influences and the antagonistic dark forces of the nature. He could nullify destiny for there was no destiny. He was the IMMORTAL SELF
And then the dream vanished into nothingness
In front of him was the peak, taller than any other thing the nature ever created and he could see a dim light at the top of the peak. He always knew what he had to do and he set off for his never ending journey
When you lose small mind
You free your life
Ravenholm! I don't really know what it means. I just know that it was my worst nightmare when I used to play Half Life 2, way back in 2005. My fears coupled with my ramblings have resulted in this blog, where the gap between 2 posts has been as much as 2 years as well. So this is almost a crawler! Endut Hoch Hech
Friday, October 1, 2010
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What's this all about?
There is a disillusionment that is always lurking beneath the surface, once we start digging. On the surface life is a pretty little ride w...

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The lunatic laughs his verses down He remembers a hilarious moment of carnival Past! A worrying anxious place to go Sometimes leads you wher...
reiterates the fact that that 'time' comes for everybody..btw excellent choice of last lines
tres bien!
again a grt peice of work....
:) :)
shared a quote on fb ....:)
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