Tuesday, February 19, 2008

should i fall in love with you

should i fall in love with you

should i let you
engulf my thoughts
long enough
till i feel doped
as long as
i sense laughter
from your divine soul
our breaths start rhyming
and eyes
become motionless
the birds close their eyes..

should i wait for you..
among the glitters of the starry sky
till the moonlight baths us
and make us wet
and then
till the morning sun wakes up
among those mystic trees
out of the pregnant sea
to dry us with its love

should i cherish your dreams
till your tenderness
brings me to life
or should i wait
for my wamth
to soften you, to caress you
till you fall in love with me
or should i fall in love with you...??


Preoccupied said...

woooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwww pushy! fell in love with you.....!

pushcorrupt said...

oye...thank chu...

CyaNoir said...

interesting...though i think maybe leaving the last line would have had a better effect? idk, just my opinion. i loved the imagery and metaphor-ish phrases....=] good job.
btw, its Ayesha~

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